SandStory Therapy®
Trainer Programme [Level 1]


The SandStory Therapy® Trainer Programme was born out of abundance! An increased demand in training and just me to offer it, left me feeling concerned that the training was becoming inaccessible with long waiting lists and the need to travel to London.
The idea was born to invite some of the incredibly skilled, empathic and passionate. qualified SandStory Therapists to consider stepping into the role of Trainer and so bring SandStory Therapy® to many places and to many Therapists and Counsellors.
In 2024, there are 7 Trainers around the UK. You can find them on the Register of Certified SandStory Therapy® Trainers here and their trainings with locations and dates are at: https://www.sandstorytherapytraining.com/
I warmly invite applications from qualified SandStory Therapists who live in Scotland, Ireland, North Wales and the North of England - as well as in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, North and South America, Canada and Afica.
Our SandStory reach is global!
Sandology of the
SandStory Therapy®
Trainer Programme

Online Training

Training for this programme is only available online in a small group and is taught annually over 3 months from May to August.
The taught part of the programme is completed by 1 June so the 4 weeks of May are intense as we go through the curriculum for the two days that constitute the 14 hours of the CPD course. In addition, the course is also fully recorded and there is lifetime access to the training.
Through June and July, there are a total of 3 individual coaching calls as you create your bespoke training using the templates on offer.
In addition, you will set a date for the training and market the course having found a venue and gathered the trays, symbols and all resources.
There is a great deal of support in the wonderful private Facebook Group of Trainers, as well as two Zoom calls each year and a summer event for Trainers at the SandStory HQ!
2024 May dates are:
Week 1 - Monday 6 & Tuesday 7
Week 2 - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14
Week 3 - Monday 20 & Tuesday 21
Week 4 - Monday 27 & Tuesday 28
Time: 6 pm to 8 pm [UK time]

Course Contents:
SandStory Therapy® Trainer Programe [Level 1]

£3000 per person. Payment plans available.
Lifetime access to recorded training included.
Enrol only after contacting Lara.

Further information

What criteria is required to apply? Four things are needed to be eligible to enrol in this training: [1] To be fully qualified as a Registered SandStory Therapist and having practiced for about a year. [2] Feel a genuine, heartfelt passion for sharing SandStory Therapy® as you've experienced the gentle power with your own Clients. [3] Be willing to take the step up into becoming a Trainer if you haven't already, and, if you are a Trainer to find this training a good fit with what you want to offer. [4] Be available for an interview with Lara in which you will present a case study of SandStory Therapy®. Please note that all bookings are subject to an application process through which Lara reserves the right not to accept applicants wthout explanation. Any unsuccesful applicant will be automatically refunded.
What assignments are required to qualify? Once you have completed the training online [at the end of May] there are 2 pieces to complete: [1] A Training Reflection form which captures your experience, reflections and learning over the training; and [2] to meet with me on Zoom to discuss the 2 PowerPoints you have completed of your training.
What resources are offered in the training? 🌟Participants are welcome to either purchase a printed copy of the Workbook or download the free PDF version and print it themselves if they'd like to use it. 🌟The training comes with numerous templates, from which to springboard your own training, plus additional materials.
What support is offered in the training? 🌟Numbers are deliberately limited so that care, attention and emotional holding of the space for each one is considered. 🌟A private Facebook Group and Messenger group keeps us in contact and supplements the 3 meetings per year [including a summer BBQ at the SandStory Centre].🌟There are 3 x 1 hour free coaching calls included in the cost to ensure you feel supported as you grow into the Trainer role.
I have some questions and need further information, who do I contact? That's great - and I do love responding to questions. So please contact me - either by filling out the enquiry form below or emailing me at larakasza@hotmail.co.

Jemma Wemyss
The SandStory Therapy® Trainer programme really is the complete package for delivering SandStory Therapy® Level 1 to Counsellors and Therapists.
Lara has thought of everything - from teaching the material, to marketing, to supporting Therapists in their journey - it is all there in the programme plus so much more.
I have felt extremely well supported to take this step in my career and honestly, I am so glad I took the leap. I hosted the first training here in Northern Ireland in January and I felt completely safe and held by Lara and the team of SandStory Therapy® Trainers.
With the Trainer manual and online resources at my fingertips I was able to settle into my role as a Trainer and truly enjoy the weekend.
I can't wait for the next one!

Emma Moat
Feedback coming
Training to be a SandStory Therapy® Trainer was absolutely one of the best things I have ever done.
I was never in any doubt that Lora would provide nurture, humour, insightfulness and guidance. I can honestly say, having got so much out of the SandStory Therapy® training in the first place, that doing the trainers training was a natural progression for me and I was very honoured to be among like-minded people and share so much with them.
Lara provided so much in the way of content, including paperwork, design, templates etc, that really helped to build the foundations for our training. She continues to support us - sometimes even on a daily basis! If that is what is needed!
One of the things I really like about this wonderful group is that we are all actively encouraged to make the training very much our own and put our own stamp on it.
I am delighted now to be able to bring the magic of SandStory to my community here in East Anglia!

Shana Laffy
Training with Lara has been a truly inspiring experience!
From the first contact right through the course and to this day, Lara has been incredibly supportive and really empowered me to harness my unique offer in the SandStory world.
The course was engaging and well-paced, I really liked the blend of online live sessions and independent tasks. There is lots of room for personal growth and professional development.
Lara has been so generous in her offer, setting you up with everything you need to deliver a successful SandStory course.
I am excited about all the possibilities ahead and so glad I embarked on this trainer’s journey. It is a real honour to spread the magic of SandStory across the therapy sector.
Thanks Lara!
Participant reviews