SandStory Skills®

Lara Kasza
Lara is the creator of SSS® and first taught the training to Behaviour Support Practitioners and now outsources the training to her amazing team of Trainers. Do contact her for more information below.

Sarah Day
Sarah qualified in 2021 and became the ISA Advisory Board member for SSS® in 2023.
She offers an oline evergreen training to a variety of participants.
See: https://flourishplaytherapy.co.uk/

Jade Hickson
Jade qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® online training to school staff along with her colleague Debbie.

Huw Fifield
Huw qualified in September 2020 and offered SSS® Training to the TAs in his school in the UAE.
Huw has now relocated to Wales and is contactable on

Mic Kemp
Mic qualified in 2021 and offers a beautifully adapted version with her colleague, Kate as part of Indigo Therapeutic Services. See: https://www.indigotherapeuticservices.com/training

Kate McCullagh
Kate qualified in 2021 and offers a beautifully adapted version with her colleague, Mic as part of Indigo Therapeutic Services.
See: https://www.indigotherapeuticservices.com/training

Natalie Palmer
Natalie qualified in 2021 and offers SSS® Training as a 2 day In-Person training in London to those working to support wellbeing in schools.

Debbie Blyth
Debbie qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® online training to school staff along with her colleague Jade.
See: https://www.holdingheartsne.co.uk/sandstory-skills-training

Welcome to the Register of all those who have undergone the training to become Certified SandStory Skills® Trainers.
They are available for training andsome provide online as well as in-person trainings. They offer traings to those whose roles have the emotional wellbeing of others in their care - whether these are young children in Early Years settings, children in primary and secondary education and all provision, young adults, adults and senior adults.
The training they offer in SandStory Skills® is focused on teaching soft, therapeutic skills so that responsible Practioners can offer a safe container as 'Listeners' to the 'story in the sand' of their Storytellers.
If you are interested in learning these skills in your role, or an Organisation, School or Charity looking to provide safe and empowering training for your team, please do get in contact with the Trainers below.
If you are a Therapist or Counsellor interested in extending your skills to teaching non-therapists soft skills within a safe remit, please take a look at the Trainer programme by clicking the button below.

Frances Donohue​
Frew qualified in 2022 and offers SSS® in-person training to those working to support wellbeing in schools.

Donna Stone
Donna qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® online and in-person training to those working to support wellbeing in schools and soon to Spiritual directors.

Louise Howarth
Louise qualified in 2022 and offers SSS® in-person training to staff in schools and children's services.
She covers Yorkshire and Humber regions.


Carol Whibley
Carol qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® in-person to groups working with children and young people. An online version will be available soon via her website.

Jemma Wemyss
Jemma qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® Training to professionals who support children in community settings.
The course is available online and in-person.
See: https://jemmawemyss.com/sandstory

Jane Manners
Jane qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® Training to those working primarily with children and young people.
See: https://www.growing-through-change-2019.co.uk/443422383

Emma Brummell
Emma qualified in 2020 and offers SSS® Training to those working primarily with children and young people.

Amanda Perry
Mandy qualified in 2021 and offers SSS® in-person & online training to those who support those in educational and childcare settings.

Donna Murphy
Donna qualified in 2021 and offers SSS® both in person and online training to those who support children in education. See:

Lesley McParland
Lesley qualified in 2022 and offers SSS® online and in-person training to school staff and childminders.

Laura Hooper
Laura qualified in 2022 and offers SSS® Training to professionals who support children.
The course is available in-person.
See: https://www.creative-connections.uk/

Nikki Lucas
Nikki qualified in 2022 and teaches SSS® to a wide variety of professionals who work in the education setting.
Contact: www.overtherainbowcsf.co.uk

Miriam Jannetta-Hagan
Mim qualified in 2023 and offers SSS® Training to professionals who support children in educational settings in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.
See: www.powerofplaytherapy.co.uk

Michelle Schofield
Michelle qualified in 2024 and offers SSS® Training both online and in person, to professionals that support children and young people.

Shirley Mearing
Shirley qualified in 2024 and teaches SSS® to professionals who work in the education setting in Smeeth Ashford.
Contact: shirleymearing@gmail.com

Jane Fay
Jane qualified in 2024 and offers SSS® Training in person to professionals that support children and young people. Jane is Lymm, Cheshire, UK.
Email Jane at:

Jane Pyrgos
Jane qualified in 202 and offers SSS® in person to parents. See: https://www.heartsmarttherapy.uk/

Trainer coming

Trainer coming

Trainer coming