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Sarah Day

Role: SandStory Skills® Training Quality & Development

Hello! My name is Sarah and I begin my sandy journey back in Lockdown when I completed my SandStory Skills [SSS]® Trainers training.

Discovering SSS® was really one of those moments of epiphany. I had truly found an ethos I trusted and believed in with safe practice as its heart - a rare combination! I went on to complete my Certified SandStory Therapy® qualification soon after.

However, my storytelling journey began many years ago when as a teacher, I organised a storytelling club.

We used simple symbols made by the children to create stories for fun and it was a wonderful introduction to the power of storytelling. I later came to learn how SandStory Skills® ensures a safe journey for a storyteller as they turn their feelings into stories made with symbols.

My heart is truly with SandStory Skills®. My training helped my creative storytelling passion to bubble to the surface again and I love symbol set creating and sharing my ideas with the vibrant SSS® community.

My ‘Evergreen’ online course has enabled me to reach participants from the UK and beyond and my growth as a Trainer has come from being able to respond to and support my amazing participants in a collaborative way as they train and after they qualify.

I was honoured when Lara invited me to join the Advisory Board of the ISA. My remit included offering ideas and support, to give voice to, and grow the reach of SandStory Skills®. In March 2023 I introduced a Coaching Conversations course to qualified Trainers. The aim is to support and empower Trainers as we collaboratively grow and develop the training we offer.

This is a time of growth for SandStory Skills® and I’m excited about the next chapters ahead.

Best Goal: Any scored by Bukayo Saka this season for Arsenal.

Best Habit: Drinking freshly brewed coffee while everyone else is asleep, listening to the Archers on catch-up.

Best Reason to be Happy: Spring Equinox

Best Legal Route to Joy: Eating roast chicken

Best Flaw: Getting lost down the TikTok rabbit hole. I'm going to have to ban myself from this time thief!

Best Accomplishment: Cooking roast chicken

Best Motto: If you can't convince them, confuse them! (and then, obviously, cook them roast chicken)

Best Under-Appreciated Skill: I can make a mean Singapore Gin Sling. Anyone?

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