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In every grain of sand, there is a story of the earth. Use the magic of SandStory to tell yours ...


Cambridgeshire / Suffolk / Essex


  • 18 & 19 February

  • 11 & 12 March

  • 13 & 14 May




My name is Emma Moat and I’ve been a Registered SandStory Therapist for almost 4 years. I’ve been a trainer for 2 years and absolutely love it. I’m also a play therapist, counsellor and trainer and I run courses in the UK and in Eastern Europe.

I live with my husband David who is a psychotherapist and trainer - he’s also a SandStory Therapist trained by me! We have two dogs, a greedy cat, and grown up children, and live in the Cambridgeshire countryside near the cathedral city of Ely. I love walking my dogs, swimming, cooking and amateur dramatics, though I’m more comfortable behind the stage rather than on it!

Why am I so passionate about SandStory? One word: magic! There’s something so very magical and powerful about the world of the Sand, and the symbols, and the process of the journey that we experience - both as clients and therapists actually - that is not like anything else and certainly not like any other creative therapeutic media.

I’m always blown away by witnessing what happens in the Sandtray and by the clients’ reactions. And especially by their astonishment of ‘how can just a tray of stuff we see at the beach or on a building site, and a few objects provoke such a powerful feeling in me?!’

I was once described by a headteacher as a ‘witch’ in the nicest possible way, when I was talking to him about the power of SandStory. It was the biggest compliment! But I only help to facilitate that magic - the real spells come from the client and the Sandtray, and the subconscious choosing those symbols. My ‘witchiness’ skills lie in the holding of the client, both emotionally and mentally, and the allowing of the process to happen, in a completely non-judgmental and gentle way.

My magic wand is my openness and my acceptance that ‘anything can happen, and whatever happens, it’s ok’.

The best thing about SandStory? The realisation that positive change is possible - for anyone.

So I encourage anyone to experience that magic, as a client or as a therapist. You’ll find your own magic within the cauldron of the sand….!

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